
Budgeting Tips>

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Evaluating Your Expenses

From time to time, it is important to evaluate your expenses because they can change so much. The budget that you created last year and have been sticking to faithfully might have to be redone once yo.... read more

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Reducing Your Credit Card Debt

Credit Cards Pic
Credit card debt in America is reaching record proportions. According to the American Household Credit Card Debt Statistics, the average household is over $15,000 in debt. Perhaps you owe something ar.... read more

Posted in Budgeting Strategies, Budgeting Tips, How to Pay Off Your Debts | Post Comment

Couponing: A good way to cut back on your budget

Have you ever watched the Extreme Couponing on TLC. Did you ever wonder how those women did it? I know I did. I would watch the show and be amazed at how much they could buy. Yet at the same time be a.... read more

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Cooking on a Budget: Ten Helpful Tips

We have all seen the high prices of food and only see them raising higher. Budgeting for food may be hard for us to do, but in the end it will be worth it. If you can use a few of these tips you may b.... read more

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Top Ten Expenses in Your Budget

Have you ever wondered were all your money was going? Do you have a budget and you see the high cost of things. I know I looked at my budget and wonder where are all of these high cost were coming fro.... read more

Posted in Expensives you can cut for your Budget | Post Comment

Saving for your Family Vacation

Every year my family would go on a vacation. We all had earned it as a family and we were all going to enjoy it as a family. My parents taught us if we work hard we could play hard. One family vacatio.... read more

Posted in Saving and Budgeting for Your Family Vacation | Post Comment

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