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Couponing: A good way to cut back on your budget

Have you ever watched the Extreme Couponing on TLC. Did you ever wonder how those women did it? I know I did. I would watch the show and be amazed at how much they could buy. Yet at the same time be amazed at how little they spent. I tried to coupon a couple of time. To see if I could figure out how they did it, but with no luck. I then decided to look online to find help for a question; I needed answered. There were so many blog and ideas as to where to start and how to do it. I did become a little lost at what to do first. I thought why not try a few  ideas to help you get started on couponing too.

Cut Coupons

The first step is to cut coupons and I mean cut a lot of coupons. Get the Sunday Paper for their coupons and ask your friends or family for their Sunday coupons. Cut the coupons you receive in the mail. Cut all coupons even ones you may not use. These will be useful for you to save more money and cut the cost on your grocery bill. I know of families which can cut out thousands of coupons in a day. In the end you may be tried of cut coupons but this is the most important part of couponing.

Find Coupons Online

When you have cut out all of your coupons, go online to find more coupons. You can go to the manufacture's site and find coupons to print. When you find coupons online, don't copy them they will not work. To print multiple coupons you need to have other people print from their computer. You can find coupons on many web sites, for example; Target, Wall-mart, K-mart, Wall Greens, Rite Aid and many others. You can even find blogs which will connect you to other sites for coupons. There are sites which have coupons to print, for example; Coupons, Suzy's Coupons, Enjoy Printable coupons, Coupon Cabin and many other sites where you can find coupons online. Now you have all of these coupons, it time to organize them.

Organize coupons

To organize your coupons, you need to buy a folder. I have heard the best one is a baseball card holder. The folder can hold many coupons and you can always buy more pages to put in your coupon folder. In the folder have categories to keep it organize and for you to know where all you coupons are. In my folder I have divided them into three main categories; which are food, products, and extras.  In each of those main categories I have sub categories. Under food I have dry food, frozen food, vegetables/ fruits, Meat, and special foods. Under Product I have shampoo/conditioner, hand soap, body wash, cleaning products, laundry detergent and clean supplies. Under extras I have make-up, clothes, toys, restaurants, and events. When all of your coupons are organized it time to make a plan on how to shop for all of your groceries.

Make a Plan

 When you have all of your coupons, you are ready to make a plan. First start by going over all the advertisements which will come in the mail. Find place which will offer you double the coupons or have the items you want on sale already. This will cut the cost even more and you will pay less or even get money off your total bill. Next you need to figure out how much your trip should cost you. If you have a coupon that will give you fifty cents off on two orange juices and you find in a store that has orange on sale. You take that sale price and subtract your coupon from it. Than you will have a total cost for the orange juices. Last get ready to shop. Have your plan in hand,have your coupons ready and have time to work through your plan.

Start Couponing

Now that you have done all the ground work you will be able to coupon with others. I know I'm not as good as those women on the show but I can at least save money on my grocery bill. You may be able to get really good at it and  have a well stock food room; which most of the women who do extreme couponing have. You may find better deals and have great success on couponing than I have had. You can coupon anytime and find great deals to buy for your family. Just keep a well stock of coupons and look for great deals in the advertisements. You are now on your way to start couponing.

I hope this helps you start your couponing and saves you money. You will have a better budget, when you use coupons to save yourself money. When cut coupons, saving coupons, and using coupon, it may take a lot of work. It will be worth it in the end. I like to save and get the best deal I can for my money. I hope you do to. Have fun cutting coupons, saving coupons and using coupon.   


09/15/2013 7:07am
Kim .THANK YOU so much for the grab bag!!!!! There was 1 coupon for Pop-Tarts ALONE that made the price so worth it! We saved a penny more! LOL And you got it to me so quclkiy!!! I am gonna get a couple of more from you. TONS of diaper coupons they are great!!! Thank you again, this is certainly a money saver!!!!!!!
09/16/2013 6:14am
it had to be fathers day cards I told her to read the fine print and it could not be the .$99 cards She was not happy but gave it to me She then said “she didn’t see the use in coupons,people should worry about real problems,what is saving a few dollars going to get you” I said “alot especially when you are on disability” She said “you don’t look disabled” I said “then what am I doing in a wheelchair? being lazy, trying to get attention,etc.” She looked at me and said ” what is your disability? I said Some young girl decided to talk on one phone and text on another while driving and plowed into my husband and I ,I no longer can walk and don’t know if my leg will heal.etc.” She shut up real quick I asked her if their was any more of my life she would like to know about,or could I just have my purchase rung up? As I was leaving the shopping strip she was driving away talking on the phone!! I yelled out the window “it is because of people like you that I can’t walk ” She called me a few choice names and took off. All this for 5 items! No wonder why I have migraines! I just had to share this with you. Sorry it is so long but I am still in shock about it ! Some people…. Hope to hear from you Have a great day Ann Skelnik
09/17/2013 1:49am
I am totally with you on this one Myrtle! I would totally do the coupon thing if I had the time!! But I always question if the coupon process is the same here in Canada as in the states, somehow I don't think it is.:( I also envy the stock pile, I am going through hard times and I have been through even worse before, it would be so nice to know you have something to fall back on if you need to. BUT what I would like to do even more and would get soooo much more from is donating alot of those products to food banks or families that need it. Every year I volunteer with a Christmas Food hamper program and it makes me feel so fulfilled knowing someone is smiling because of something I did.Great Blog topic Myrtle!
09/18/2013 5:16am
I can't believe I've been going for years without knowing that.
09/21/2013 12:32pm
I have NO coupon envy because none of the stuff we eat falls into the coupon category. Oh, sure there's the occasional sale coupon for lettuce or carrots but there's stock piling that.My neighbor was doing that for a while and she showed me the stuff she was getting for really cheap or free. It was processed foods we don't or can't eat or hair and skin products we don't or can't use.Nope, but I do like buying 50 lbs bags of quick oats, 75 lbs dry beans and 1/2 beef. That's the kind of stock pile I like.
09/23/2013 2:12am
I completely agree with your article and I thank you for publishing it. If I had a dime for every time I went to the store and the $2 off next shopping order didn’t print out, the e-coupon didn’t subtract, or the price on the shelf was lower than what actually rings up at the register I wouldn’t need to use coupons because I’d be rich! I watch and plan my trips so carefully and pretty much every time I go I get at least one instance of improper charging. I get the same thing at the customer service desk too where they are at a loss for helping. If I didn’t save so much money altogether I would throw in the towel because it’s so much of a hassle. And I do believe it is on purpose sometimes because there will be more expensive items stacked on the shelf with the “sale” items and more than once I’ve grabbed one. I truly feel sorry when I especially see older people there who probably wouldn’t know that they are getting ripped off. A few cents here and there for the consumer may be overlooked but the grocery store is definitely reaping the benefits.
09/27/2013 2:19am
I gave up couponing too, though I was never the couponer that you were or others I know are… For one, they are just not as big of a deal up here as they are down South. No one doubles or triples coupons in this area. I generally scan the coupons for items that we normally buy and if there is one, I'll clip it and put it in a small envelope in my purse. That's about the extent of it, I figure a couple dollars is something… ? ;) As far as the budget, I don't know what it is, but for our lifestyle right now, we can't seem to manage the envelope system and it's a little frustrating. We're still working the kinks out of that one. I hate shopping at Wmart – despise it really – but they are the cheapest place. So, I continue to give them our business… blah. We also still get some items from Sam's, but not nearly as much as we used to. I wouldn't feel bad about the coupons, … somewhere, somehow, somthing does really have to "give."
10/18/2013 1:26am
I have been using the coupon<a href=""> spehpir</a> for two weeks now and I am totally smitten. It is so convenient and save me time and money which equals greater savings.
10/30/2013 3:59am
Me dull. You smart. That's just what I needed.
11/02/2013 7:11pm
Thanks alot - your answer solved all my problems after several days struggling
11/04/2013 7:18am
I'm impressed! You've managed the almost impossible.
11/05/2013 5:05am
Hey, that's powerful. Thanks for the news.
11/06/2013 5:04pm
I'll try to put this to good use immediately.
11/08/2013 5:35am
Ho ho, who woulda thunk it, right?
11/10/2013 12:33am
Finding this post has solved my problem
11/14/2013 5:02am
The genius store called, they're running out of you.
12/01/2013 9:39pm
This is the perfect way to break down this information.
12/04/2013 5:03am
Furrealz? That's marvelously good to know.
12/07/2013 12:53am
Deadly accurate answer. You've hit the bullseye!
12/07/2013 8:59pm
Oh yeah, fabulous stuff there you!
12/12/2013 12:02am
There's nothing like the relief of finding what you're looking for.
12/14/2013 2:05am
There's a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!
12/14/2013 3:48pm
Furrealz? That's marvelously good to know.
12/16/2013 11:22am
Learning a ton from these neat articles.
12/19/2013 9:03am
It's good to get a fresh way of looking at it.
12/21/2013 11:36am
A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
12/23/2013 3:42am
A million thanks for posting this information.
12/27/2013 7:02am
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!
12/30/2013 6:07am
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
12/31/2013 2:47pm
I'm out of league here. Too much brain power on display!
01/02/2014 2:06am
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01/04/2014 2:50pm
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01/05/2014 8:54pm
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