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Where to Start to Create your Budget

Many of us have asked the question, How do I start my budget? I know I was there once, till I got help. When I started my budget I did it on a piece of paper. I created neat lines and counted all of the spaces I needed. This was very time consuming and limiting. My budget could have changed at anytime. Then, I thought we are in the computer age. I think it might be a little easier to do a budget on a computer. When creating your budget remember to list all of your bills, remember to list all of the amounts and than put your budget on a computer spreadsheet.

When I start to list all my bills, I seem to forget all of my little spend areas. I would buy coffee, go out to eat, buy items at target and extras along the way. When I made my list I started with the basic; rent, bills, food, gas, car payment, and entertainment. I than would start numbering them to give myself an outline of my bills.

Outline of bills:

  1. Rent
  2. Gas bill
  3. Electric
  4. Water
  5. Car payment
  6. Savings
  7. Food
  8. Gas for travel
  9. Shopping
  10. Entertainment
  11. Restaurant

This is how my budget was started. You may need to add others to your list or take away from mine. Now that you have a list for your budget you can start adding in the amount of each bill.

There are some bills which stay the same and some which will fluctuate a bit. With the bill that stay the same you can just put in the amount right by your outline of bills. For the bills which fluctuate, you need to add the highest bill with the lowest bill and divide by two. This will give you a good average for that bill.

How to find the average for the bill:

  • Highest bill + Lowest bill
  • Bills/ 2
  • equals average amount of bill

Now that you have an outline of your bills with the amount next to them you can place your budget in the spreadsheet.

Starting a spreadsheet may seem overwhelming and hard to do. There will be five columns for my budget, which will be on my spreadsheet. There will be thirteen rows in my spreadsheet to place my budget on. This is how it can look when you place your budget on a spreadsheet.

Budget spreadsheet

List of monthly bills Total amount of monthly bills Addition/ Subtracting Total amount of income subtracted from bills Amount left over from bills


Gas Bill        
Electric Bill        
Water Bill        
Car Payment        
Gas For Travel        
Total Bills        

 Now you have a spreadsheet which you can used to keep your budget on and make changes with out a lot of work.

We have now answer the age old question of how to create a budget. Getting on a budget will help you lead a stress free financial life and create the financial life you have always wanted.






09/12/2013 10:52am
Question will your debt improve by hanvig one bill to pay instead of several??? You are better off calling the credit card companies to ask their help in reducing your interest rates and making a conscious effort to pay the debt you have rather than focusing on consolidation. Please don't consider one of those debt settlement places. They ruin your credit so badly that you may as well go bankrupt and owe nothing. What's the difference between 7 years and 10 years of horrible credit that affect your interest rates, housing options, insurance rating and mainly your reputation??? You should consider a plan to pay what you owe and do it wisely. As you pay bills, take the same amount and apply to the next bill, then to the next bill, etc. Having one bill won't get you any further ahead than hanvig several you owe what you owe. Get to the library and check out Dave Ramsey's books on how to make a sensible plan. Reduce current expenses and increase income any way you can to get out of debt. You didn't get into debt overnight so there's no overnight solution except common sense and a diligent attempt to do what's right. You CAN do it but not by hanvig everything you want. Start a savings account for long term needs and shop by value instead of cost. Look at both simple and complex debts. Consider downsizing home, car, wardrobe needs, etc. There were no credit cards 30 years ago and yet people had more. You can live without cable, cell phone, dinners at McDonalds, etc. Don't try to keep up with the Joneses they're broke!!! Worry about needs before wants and you'll be amazed that you don't need a loan you need a plan.
09/15/2013 1:18am
Question… will your debt improve by having one bill to pay instead of several??? You are better off calling the credit card companies to ask their help in reducing your interest rates and making a conscious effort to pay the debt you have rather than focusing on consolidation. Please don’t consider one of those debt settlement places. They ruin your credit so badly that you may as well go bankrupt and owe nothing. What’s the difference between 7 years and 10 years of horrible credit that affect your interest rates, housing options, insurance rating and mainly your reputation??? You should consider a plan to pay what you owe and do it wisely. As you pay bills, take the same amount and apply to the next bill, then to the next bill, etc. Having one bill won’t get you any further ahead than having several… you owe what you owe. Get to the library and check out Dave Ramsey’s books on how to make a sensible plan. Reduce current expenses and increase income any way you can to get out of debt. You didn’t get into debt overnight so there’s no overnight solution except common sense and a diligent attempt to do what’s right. You CAN do it but not by having everything you want. Start a savings account for long term needs and shop by value instead of cost. Look at both simple and complex debts. Consider downsizing home, car, wardrobe needs, etc. There were no credit cards 30 years ago and yet people had more. You can live without cable, cell phone, dinners at McDonalds, etc. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses… they’re broke!!! Worry about needs before wants and you’ll be amazed that you don’t need a loan… you need a plan.
09/19/2013 3:45am
Stick with the wet food if you can. The dry can cause Urinary infections and crystals in the urine. (it sucks the moisture from your cats body, which is also why most cats on dry food drink lots of water) Also can cause other health issues and (hairballs) but I won’t go into that whole long schpeel. (I have experience working as a vet assistant and working for a pet nutrition store)Most dry food is cooked and processed so many times that most of your proteins and extra vitamins and minerals are cooked down (leaving very little “nutrition”)Also, if you look at most dry foods, the first few ingredients are normally corn, rice or some other ingredient that isn’t MEAT. Your cat is a carnivore, it needs meat.STAY AWAY FROM SCIENCE DIET!! ITS ALL CORN NO MEAT! (look on the label if you don’t believe me {starch was the first ingredient on some of the ones I looked at}) (Vets only recommend this stuff because their “nutrition” class in vet school is (Optional) and only an 8 hr course. And guess who teaches the class????? The Hills company that owns Science Diet….go figure right? Also VARIETY VARIETY VARIETY! That is key to keeping your cat allergy free, try to mix up your protein source as often as possible (even switching brands all together every now and then is a good thing). (Good for wet and dry foods)The more of one protein you push on the animal, the more likely it can develop an allergy to that protein.If you decide against the “all wet” diet, then look for a dry food that has the first ingredient as a MEAT (NOT A BY PRODUCT OR A MEAL) They always try to throw you off with (Beef Meal) Its not the same! Example of what you want; (Beef, chicken, tuna, salmon) (Don’t feed too much fish though because of all the mercury. Limit to like 1-2 cans of fish a week at most)NOT; (Beef meal, Beef by-product or beef by-product meal)A “Meal” is just the protein (ex. chicken) that is cooked down so many times that it turns into a liquid, then it is added to the dry and cooked again and again and again, then added in vitamins at the last stage. So how good can that be?And a “By product” or “by-product meal” Don’t even get me started. (by-products are parts of the animal {yes clean} but not what you (yourself) would want to eat) (Feathers bones and other gross stuff) why feed that to a cat? Or dog for that matter?This “Meal, By-product and by-product meal” is “Alright” as a second or third ingredient in the food, because the cats do get SOME by-products in the wild. As long as it’s not the first ingredient and the first ingredient is a GOOD source of protein, you’ll be good to go.If you are concerned about budget, when I was on a tight budget, my cat lived on canned Friskies. (They come in large cans too) and depending on where you live, they offer that at .99 cent stores (bought for .89 cents a can but you’re limited flavors) and they are very affordable at Wal-Mart and petco.If you go with the dry food, avoid “free feeding”(They aren’t goats or cattle), this causes obesity and other health issues. Your cat should eat when you put the food down and whatever isn’t gone within 30mins, is food for the next feeding. The better the food, the longer happier and healthier life your kitty will have.As far as litter goes. I get the clumping multiple cat with the fresh scent. (Scoop away or tidy cats) There is also a cheaper good litter by “Priority” I don’t know if it’s available everywhere, but its very cheap, clumps great, but has a tendency to be a little dusty, so wait a bit after you first dump the litter in the cat box (if its enclosed).Hope this info helps you!
09/20/2013 6:39am
I do not disagree with the article but I think it’s worth mentioning Actuaries have been doing this kind of work for decades, albeit in a somewhat specialized industry (insurance). What I like about the message is you do not have to be in the business of insurance to appreciate the need for people with strong skills working with data, who require huge quantities of data, special tools and programming expertise to bring value to an organization. Often, the skills blur lines with traditional IT work. I think sometimes that line is drawn too sharply, which can lead to expectations that IT can fill the “data scientist” roles. In practice I think it is best to separate these areas organizationally, but align them functionally.
09/23/2013 2:11am
About cat litter, if it’s not a kitten anymore get the clumping kind, best without any fragrance, cats have sensitive smell and could refuse to go to the box if they don’t like it.As for the food, I wouldn‘t really recommend feeding any dry food. Cats are designed to get their water from food. That’s the way nature designed them, they have low thirst drive. When fed dry, they won’t drink enough to compensate for the lack of moisture. They will only consume about 50% of the water they should be having. This can lead to kidney disease, UTI, crystals, blockage, renal failure and more.Free feeding also contributes to obesity. And the fact that dry food is over-processed means, that most of it’s little nutrition has been already destroyed, leaving almost no nutrients for your cat. It needs to eat more to meet it’s needs, and in the process consumes more calories from the fillers.Btw wetting the dry food will not help. There’s bacteria on the kibble and the water would just allow it to grow.The only way to give the cat it’s natural hydration is to feed it wet food only.But some wet foods are not of a very high quality, either. That goes for most commercial foods. Just like the dry, they are often made with cheap fillers such as corn, wheat, soy, rice etc. These are not a part of cat’s natural diet (it’s an obligate carnivore – it eats meat) and they are not designed to digest it. Grain is carbohydrate which the cats can’t process and it turns into blood sugar and fat, causing diabetes and obesity. In the wild, where cats only hunt for meat, diabetes and obesity are unheard of. It’s us who cause these by feeding a species inappropriate food.We usually read labels on our food, but rarely on the food for our cats. Learn to read the label and understand the ingredients. The healthiest food to feed apart from raw feeding is grain-free wet food with no by-product. Some good brands are Wellness CORE, EVO, Merrick, Nature’s Variety, Blue Buffalo Wilderness and more. Good Budget food would be Petsmart’s Authority. These will give your cat the proper hydration and nutrition it’s designed to get and it will be strong and healthy.If you switch it’s diet, do it gradually, by mixing the current food with the new one over couple of weeks until there’s only the new. This will prevent diarrhea and upset stomach.You will probably get a lot of different answers, so google feline nutrition or look at the links below, and do the research for yourself. I personally wasn’t able to find one reliable source (besides the pet food industry) that would say grain is beneficial for cats or that dry is beneficial for them.More on cat nutrition below, Good luck!
09/27/2013 2:19am
The best food and on a budget=almost impossible.The best food is Blue Buffalo (found in Petco, Pet Supplies Plus, etc..) It’s the best because it’s natural, the first ingredient in the food should be a meat not a meat by product. This food has natural ingredients such as chicken, fish, cranberries, potatoes, carrots, etc… It will keep your cat healthy for a long time whereas food like fancy feast (great for a budget) will not promote a healthy cat because there are many by products and chemicals and artificial ingredients as well as a lot of grains that are not healthy for a cat. Foods like fancy feast or anything big name brand which often has by products keeping costs down are very unhealthy for your cat. It’s like giving your cat McDonalds or TV Dinners every night whereas giving them a natural food like Blue Buffalo or Wellness is like giving them a home cooked meal. Best litter in my opinion is Fresh step with crystals. It does have some dust when you shift it but it covers smell really well as opposed to Tidy cat. I find people who use tidy cat have smelly homes and when I gave it a try I did to. Tidy cat made my house smell because the litter itself kind of smelled. I like fresh step and if you have a bjs membership you can get it there 40 pounds for about $15 and for one cat that’s a good deal I have four adopted cats and Fresh step works great and Blue Buffalo=they love it. I used to give them fancy feast and other cheap foods you can get at bjs but they all ended up having bloody stools from it, once I started them on wellness and blue buffalo they were better in one day.
10/21/2013 12:28am
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10/27/2013 7:30pm
Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.
10/30/2013 9:57am
Good to see a talent at work. I can't match that.
11/01/2013 8:08pm
What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.
11/03/2013 4:13pm
Your answer shows real intelligence.
11/08/2013 5:44pm
Many many quality points there.
11/10/2013 1:46am
Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
11/13/2013 7:22pm
Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.
11/16/2013 6:57am
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
11/17/2013 10:45pm
Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
11/22/2013 12:10pm
At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!
11/26/2013 5:02pm
This is what we need - an insight to make everyone think
11/29/2013 12:23am
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