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How to Cut Back on Your Spending

Have you every wonder how much you spend in a day in coffee? What about what you spend in a week in coffee? Do you know how much things really cost you. When you buy it once it seem to be a little bit of money at the time. When you add together those little bits, it becomes quite a bit of money. I know when I was in college, I would go out to eat for lunch and spend five dollars. I thought five dollars was not that much, but when I would go out five to six times a week it became costly. We all wonder how we can cut back on spending so much money. I have found five tips which can help cut back your spending.

Buying expensive coffee in the morning.

If you buy coffee in the morning you can spend a great deal more than just making coffee at home. This can save you twenty-five dollar or more a week. Depending on how much coffee you buy in a day. A bag of coffee can cost you any where from eight to fifteen dollars. A bag of coffee can last you longer then your cup of coffee ever could. I know I use a bag of coffee every two weeks and I could buy up to two or three coffees in a day. So for the price of two or three coffees I could buy a bag of coffee. Which allowed me to bring my coffee to work for two weeks. When you think about what you are spending in a bigger picture, you may not buy out as much.

Buying lunch out everyday.

We all go to work and have a lunch break. Our biggest decision is where to go for lunch and what are we hungry for today. Most lunch place can cost a lot of money. Can you image if you took the money you spent on lunch for a week and bought grocery. How much food you could buy for lunch. This can save you at lease a fifty dollar or more a week and it better for you to bring a lunch. When you bring lunch to work you will have a healthier lunch and a longer lunch break. You could cut the cost from your budget and be money ahead.

Impulsive buying.

Don't do this. Make a list when you go out shopping and only get what you need. When we go out shopping there are so many things we can see and think we need. We real don't need all these thing. Try going shopping will cash, which will help set a limit for you. If you only have so much cash you can only buy what is on your list. This can help you cut back on your spend and help your budget.


Carpooling can save you money on gas and save the environment from smog. Carpooling helps save on gas, repairs, oil changes and maintains. When you drive as a group to work there are less cars on the road and less out of pocket money for you. Carpooling is a great way to get to know other you work with and great for your budget. Carpooling is a good way to cut back on your spending.


We all love going out to the movies, renting movies, buying CD's and buying books. These are all fine things to spend our money on, but there are ways we can cut back on spending money on entertainment. At your local library you can rent movies, CD's and books. This is a great way to cut back on your spending. You can have a movie in, or listen to new music and read a new book for free. When you cut back your spending, your budget will be better for it.

These are a few tips on how to cut back on your spending. When you learn how to budget and how to cut back. You will have a stress free financial life.



09/12/2013 12:03pm
I did watch the wedding on the E! Channel. From what was shown, it loekod like Kris was the more down to earth Midwest guy who had hoped Kim would change, settle down, have a family. He didn't drink the Kardashian kool-aid and her family didn't like him. She listens to her family, and she says she wants her own family but obviously only with someone who is willing to live a reality TV life. He should have known better, but love is blind, right? For her, her career came first. She's married to fame and money. I can't respect her at all.
09/13/2013 10:55am
This is the real problem when environmentalists discuss “begin with behavior.” It’s really hard to do this well without sounding like the church lady. The left is as fond as the right of making up new sins. Don’t drive your car, don’t eat beef, don’t eat tuna, don’t eat meat, have a small house, turn your thermostat down, drink bottled water, don’t drink bottled water, use a low flow toilet, use a push mower, boycott shell, coke and all other companies on the list. Appeals to conservation and efficiency can easily be perceived this way.When I hear these messages, I hear that I’m going to have to sacrifice. If I do this to save the world and no one else does, I loose. I ride my bike down the street and get run off the road by my neighbor in the Hummer. We share the fate of the planet. I’m the one in the weeds. He’s driving past saying “thanks for doing your part, chump” You have to be pretty committed to put up with that deal. Those who are committed feel embittered. Those who are not committed won’t do it, even if they are inclined to. This is what Dick Cheny was alluding to. Not enough people are going to take conservation seriously on those terms. Industry groups favor of voluntary programs to manage public costs, but when you consider the behavior of competitive firms in a market economy, the prognosis is even worse. Those that incur additional costs or forego revenue for the sake of the public interest are at a competitive disadvantage to those who continue to cost shift through pollution. The market considers this inefficient behavior and those firms will eventually be driven out of business. Even companies who want to do the right thing are punished by the market for doing so. Now consumers can vote with their dollars for the good guys, but that green seal is just one of many factors consumers balance when they make a choice. That mechanism requires consumers to collect and synthesize more information and weigh another dimension of value when they make choices. This of course assumes that actually have a real choice in the first place. These factors will all interfere with the ability of consumers to send market signals that are meaningful. It is not realistic to expect consumers to enforce environmental standards.We are all in this together and this means we have to act like it. So how do you change behavior without putting on the jack boots and becoming the carbon police? What we make easy and what we make hard define the default settings of American lifestyles. Rather than requiring individuals to make sacrifices, make the right choices the ones that are most convenient. We can make small and subtle changes in how we design streets, how buildings are oriented relative to their parking spaces, where the stairs and elevators are in a building. Changes like these influence but to not regulate behavior. If you want to drive or use the elevator, this is still a free choice. You just need to make doing the right thing a little easier and the wrong thing a little harder.Here is where I think there is some room for us an the libertarians to find some agreement. Certain individuals can still make that choice, but subtle changes will affect the relative probability and this will add up to a measurable change in the aggregate. The sum total of all the choices individuals make can change, even if you do not force a different choice. When we talk about driving less, biking more, using less water, using less energy and all those good things, the environment is not affected in any measurable amount by the behavior of any one individual. It is only the behavior of people in the aggregate that matters.For businesses, changes in what we require will help the market send the right pricing signals and will affect the relative competitiveness of businesses that engage in public behavior. If all businesses have to operate in the same way, the market does not punish the good actors and the playing field is level. Efficiency reflects real efficiency and not cost-shifting. Consumers are relieved of the burden of having to make tradeoffs across a public interest dimension and can instead focus on those attributes that mean the most to them. Both of these will require public policy changes. That is what “we’re all in this together” means.
09/22/2013 9:03am
Thank goodness for change and deep introspection…… Time management is a definite issue for most of us, but see, you and I have one distinct advantage, Oh, look something shiny… the innate abilty to multitask, so we may find it possible to wait in gas lines and watch yoga videos on the portable DVD player in our vehicle (even though I know you do not have a DVD player in your car) you could always use your cool tablet pc for that, while blogging!Anyways, totally random, not the least on point, and as you can probably guess, a feable attempt at procrastination!
09/24/2013 12:58pm
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don’t have a malevolent intent here, though the tone of your post makes me think otherwise. Not all of the tips I wrote will apply to everyone, but many of them DO WORK if you actually try them. Did you try any of them or are you making assumptions? I’ve spent years in a high stress corporate environment, and if they work for me, I’m sure they’ll work for others. As for your comments, of course I approved it. I have them moderated and they get screened a few times a week. Once you’ve been approved once, it’ll be instant the next.
09/26/2013 3:35am
words (to the effect) "no videos, please, we're very careful about what he kids watch. Oh, and no toy guns, please."Several mothers instantly agreed that toy guns were bad, bad, violent toys, and complimented me on keeping them from my kids.I told them they'd misunderstood, and called over my son. I asked him to tell the other moms what we'd done last weekend after he and his brother cleaned up their rooms.He thought a moment, brightened, and said "Oh, we went SHOOTING! And this time I got all my shots in the target!"To the (now-horrified) other parents, I explained that I was a competition shooter in a previous life, my wife have both been at different times firearms instructors, the whole family loves shooting, and that the only reason I preferred the boys not get toy guns was because (I believe) it encourages casual and possibly unsafe handling of fireams. I told them I saw nothing wrong with toy guns per se, but that since my boys shoot regularly, I simply didn't want them to pick up any bad habits. I wonder it it has had anything to do with my not being invited to many other parents' parties :)
09/28/2013 1:52am
Two reasons kids, and people in general, are overweight...1) Ridiculous overabundance of food. People eat lunch the way people in the 1940's ate Thanksgiving. Food is rich, plentiful, and inexpensive.2) The multiplicity of services pouring out of the idiot box. What's on the idiot box today? 24-hour cartoons, kids programming, X-Box and Playstation, legions of kid movies, the Disney collection on DVD, computer games... for crying out loud, there are video screens in SUV's now because Mommy can't be troubled to handle little Johnny in the back seat - she might as well buy him a lithium drip. The idiot box is now America's Babysitter, what you turn on when you don't want to have to interface with the child. Kids are conditioned to be drawn to the idiot box like moths to a flame.When I was a kid, I rode by bike in the desert, built forts from dumped material, hunted ants to make ant farms, caught lizards, played football in the street...Kids today play football...Madden 2006... why go outside when you can VIRTUALLY go outside?Couple this with parental fear of child predation, and I'm afraid that no, Johnny can't come out and play...Heck, this was good enough to blog, I shoulda just done that...
10/17/2013 11:26pm
Ahoj. Jedeme s mou slečnou v sobotu re1no ze Strakonic ( Pedsek, Te1bor, Pelhřimov a Brno ). Me1me dvě volne1 medsta. Re1di někoho<a href=""> semezve</a>. Zpět se vracedme po fine1le. 773 178 394. Zdar a sedlu.
10/28/2013 9:38am
I'm shocked that I found this info so easily.
11/01/2013 5:53pm
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
11/03/2013 11:46am
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
11/04/2013 1:55am
I'm shocked that I found this info so easily.
11/04/2013 12:14pm
I'm impressed you should think of something like that
11/05/2013 10:42am
Haha. I woke up down today. You've cheered me up!
11/09/2013 8:33pm
Thanks for being on point and on target!
11/11/2013 12:05am
I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!
11/22/2013 4:46am
Holy Toledo, so glad I clicked on this site first!
11/27/2013 3:51pm
This article is a home run, pure and simple!
11/28/2013 2:09am
It's good to see someone thinking it through.
12/04/2013 5:47am
Wowza, problem solved like it never happened.
12/06/2013 1:10am
If you want to get read, this is how you should write.
12/08/2013 7:12pm
Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
12/10/2013 10:15pm
Hey hey hey, take a gander at what' you've done
12/12/2013 6:25am
That's a quick-witted answer to a difficult question
12/14/2013 9:53pm
I didn't know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
12/16/2013 8:17pm
I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.
12/20/2013 1:00am
Thanks for the insight. It brings light into the dark!
12/20/2013 9:30pm
Furrealz? That's marvelously good to know.
12/22/2013 4:40am
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
12/26/2013 9:29pm
An intelligent answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change
12/27/2013 10:57am
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
12/31/2013 10:49am
That's an inventive answer to an interesting question
01/05/2014 2:53pm
Deep thinking - adds a new dimension to it all.
01/07/2014 6:18am
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.
01/10/2014 11:32am
Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.
01/13/2014 11:36pm
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!

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